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CLAUSE (1). Definitions

To access: one or more actions of the User necessary: in the case of the Site, for Access to the Site; or, in the case of a Third Party Site, to open in accordance with the Internet protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or the Internet protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) one or more HTTP or HTTPS connections, respectively, between the address of Internet of said Third Party Site and the Internet address of a device used by the User to open each such connection.

Site Access: the opening in accordance with the Internet protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or the Internet protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) of one or more HTTP or HTTPS connections, respectively, between the Internet address of the Site and the address of Internet of a device used by the User to open each said connection.

Activity on the Site: the use by the User of one or more functionalities included and enabled on the Site.

Administrator: the following legal entity: Dinexos SRL, with CUIT 33-71776866-9, registered in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires by the General Inspection of Justice and with an email address at

Public Authority: any legislative, executive or judicial body of a national, provincial or municipal nature.

Cookie: each digital file that meets the following requirements: (1) is created by an Internet site accessed by the User for the first time; (2) stores one or more data about the User (e.g., their access ID) and/or the User's activity on said Internet site (e.g., the selections made) for the purpose of providing the User with the access to and activity on such Internet site for at least a second time; (3) is stored by the web browser that the User used to access said Internet site for the first time; and (4) can only be read or read and modified by such Internet site if the User re-accesses such Internet site using the same web browser at least a second time.

Security Credential: one or more Personal Data and/or other data or other information provided by a human person, by themselves or through a computer program not previously and expressly authorized by the Administrator, to grant said human person a unique and unequivocal identity as User.

Personal Data: each data owned by the User (including, without limitation, each data about the device used by the User to Access the Site - model, operating system, connection, etc. - and the geographical location of the User during the Permanence on the Site) that meets the following requirements: (1) according to Law 25326, the Administrator is not prohibited from collecting it from the User in accordance with the Personal Data Collection Clause; and (2) is not publicly known at the time the Administrator collects it from the User in accordance with the Personal Data Collection Clause.

Law 25326: Law No. 25,326 and Decree No. 1558/2001 of the national Executive Branch.

Stay on the Site: one or more actions of the User, on the Site and in accordance with the T&C, necessary to prolong the Permanence on the Site.

Permanence on the Site: the time that elapses from, and including, Access to the Site until, and including, Exit from the Site.

Owner: the administrator.

Site Exit: the closure in accordance with the Internet protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or the Internet protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) of the only or the last, as the case may be, HTTP or HTTPS connection, respectively, opened by the Access of the Site.

Place: each empty digital file or containing one or more texts (originals or authorized reproductions), images, videos, sounds, graphics, icons, logos, isotypes, brands, drawings, emblems, color combinations, combination of letters and numbers, advertising phrases or other digital or digitized content (other than computer program instructions) and each computer program file (whether or not using one or more of the foregoing digital files) directly or indirectly associated by the Administrator with each of the addresses of Internet to which the following domain names correspond:,         

Third Party Site: each different Internet address of the Site.

T&C: the terms and conditions of the Site published in the “Terms and Conditions” section of the Site.

User: each human person who Accesses the Site, Remains on the Site and carries out the Activity on the Site, by itself or through a computer program not previously and expressly authorized by the Administrator, and each Necessary User; stipulating that the Activity on the Site carried out with a Security Credential will be considered carried out by the human person who provided, by themselves or through a computer program not previously and expressly authorized by the Administrator, said Security Credential.

Required User: each human person who is the holder or delegate of the necessary parental responsibility or representative, as the case may be, of another human person who accesses the Site, by themselves or through a computer program not previously and expressly authorized by the Administrator, and is not 18 (eighteen) years of age and is not emancipated by marriage or for any other reason, does not have civil capacity to Access the Site, Remain on the Site and carry out the Activity on the Site in compliance with the T&C.

CLAUSE (2). Site Development

(to) The Site has been developed with respect for the privacy of the User on the Internet and considering the Administrator's duty to protect, in accordance with Law 25326, any Personal Data that the User transmits to the Site in relation to Access to the Site, Permanence on the Site. Site, Activity on the Site and Exit from the Site.

(b) This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is part of the T&C and must be read and interpreted in conjunction with the T&C.

CLAUSE (3). Collection of Personal Data

Each Access to the Site automatically represents for the User their unconditional consent for the Administrator to collect, on the Site and/or by email received from the User, one or more Personal Data for the following purposes unless expressly indicated otherwise by the Administrator in the Site and/or by email sent to the User:

(to) improve the interaction between the User and the Site during their stay on the Site; and

(b) prepare anonymous statistics (that is, not capable of enabling the identification of the User) of the Site; and

(c) comply with an order from a Public Authority received by the Administrator; and

(d) evaluate and approve the different benefits that the User can access according to the profile reported in this report.

CLAUSE (4). cookies

The Administrator must obtain from the User, on the Site and/or by email received from the User, the User's unconditional consent to save one or more Site Cookies on the device used by the User to Access the Site and use said Site Cookies. Site before saving these on said device.

CLAUSE (5). User Refusal

The user:

(to) may at any time during the Stay on the Site communicate to the Administrator on the Site its unconditional refusal to:

(YO) provide one or more Personal Data to the Administrator in accordance with the Personal Data Collection Clause; I

(II) allow the storage and use of one or more Cookies from the Site in accordance with the Cookies Clause; and

(b) acknowledges and accepts that the interaction between the User and the Site during their stay on the Site could be less satisfactory (quantitatively and/or qualitatively) than it would otherwise be if:

(YO) I will communicate a refusal in accordance with section (a); either

(II) I will provide incomplete, inaccurate or false Personal Data for the purposes of the Personal Data Collection Clause.

CLAUSE (6). Storage of Personal Data

The Administrator will store the Personal Data in a database whose administration will be the exclusive responsibility of the Administrator at the following address: Avenida Rivadavia 21204 first floor, Morón, Pdo. from Morón, Province of Buenos Aires.

CLAUSE (7). Personal Data Management

The Personal Data that the Administrator will collect in accordance with the Personal Data Collection Clause may be stored, processed and transferred exclusively by:

(to) the administrator; and

(b) each human or legal person with whom the Administrator enters into a contract for the transfer or assignment of one or more Personal Data; and

(c) each Public Authority that requires the Administrator to transfer or assign one or more Personal Data by judicial resolution and when there are well-founded reasons related to public security, national defense or public health.

CLAUSE (8). User Rights

(to) In accordance with Law 25326, the User may request from the Administrator regarding one or more Personal Data:

(YO) free access to said Personal Data every 6 or more continuous anniversary months from the date of the last access requested by the User unless they demonstrate a legitimate interest in accessing said Personal Data before the passage of 6 continuous anniversary months from the date of the last access requested by the User; I

(II) updating said Personal Data if it has lost validity due to changes in the User's circumstances; I

(III) the rectification of said Personal Data if it is inaccurate or incomplete; I

(IV) blocking such Personal Data; either

(V) the deletion of said Personal Data.

(b) Each User request in accordance with section (a) must be made by:

(YO) a document letter if the User requests access to one or more Personal Data; either

(II) a simple letter, accompanied by a simple photocopy of their current National Identity Document or Passport, if the User requests the update, rectification, blocking or deletion of one or more Personal Data.

(c) The User must deliver or cause to be delivered the corresponding communication according to section (b) only at the address of the Administrator indicated in the Personal Data Storage Clause.

(d) The Administrator's email address indicated in the Definitions Clause is not an electronic address and, consequently, any email containing or attaching a notification, communication or summons that is sent to that email should not be considered sent to the Administrator or received by the Administrator for any purpose of the notification or communication or the summons in question.

(and) The administrator:

(YO) will not be obliged to respond favorably:

(1) a request for access, rectification and/or deletion of one or more Personal Data received from the User in accordance with section (a) if compliance with the request in question affects the protection of the defense of the Nation, order and security public or the rights and interests of third parties; either

(2) a request for access to one or more Personal Data received from the User in accordance with section (a) sub-section (I) if said request is not dated at least 6 (six) months after the date of the last access request of Personal Data that the Administrator would have received from the User in accordance with section (a) sub-section (I) unless the User reasonably demonstrates to the Administrator (at the sole discretion of the Administrator) that he or she has a legitimate interest in accessing the Personal Data in question. try before 6 (six) months have elapsed from the date of the last access request; either

(3) a request for deletion of one or more Personal Data received from the User in accordance with section (a) sub-section (V) if the requested deletion could cause damage to the rights or legitimate interests of third parties or prevent the Administrator from complying with a legal obligation to retain the Personal Data in question; and

(II) will inform the reasons for each refusal in accordance with subsection (I) by means of a written communication addressed to the address that the User had informed in the rejected request in question.

(F) The Agency for Access to Public Information, in its capacity as the Control Body of Law 25326, has the power to respond to complaints and claims filed by those whose rights are affected by non-compliance with current regulations on data protection. Personal.

CLAUSE (9). Modifications

(to) The administrator:

(YO) may at its sole discretion, at any time and without the need to give prior, simultaneous or subsequent notice or explanation to the User, modify, totally or partially, temporarily or definitively, this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy; and

(II) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (I), it may communicate to the User, on the Site and/or by email sent to the User, at the opportunity and during the time that in each case the Administrator determines, a modification, total or partial, temporary or definitive, of this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.

(b) The user:

(YO) will not be obliged to accept, in whole or in part, any modification of this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy made by the Administrator; and

(II) You must expressly state, on the Site and/or by email sent to the Administrator, at the opportunity and for the time that the Administrator determines in each case, that you have read, understood and accepted without conditions and completely the modification of this Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data as a prerequisite to Stay on the Site and/or carry out the Activity on the Site; and

(III) You must refrain from accessing the Site if you do not intend to comply with the provisions of subsection (II); and

(IV) You must not Remain on the Site or carry out the Activity on the Site if you have not complied with the provisions of subsection (II).

(c) For the purposes of this Clause, the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is the one published by the Administrator on the Site during the Permanence on the Site unless otherwise expressly indicated by the Administrator on the Site and/or by email sent to the User.

CLAUSE (10).
Third Party Site

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy does not apply to any Third Party Site either before Accessing the Site, during the Permanence on the Site after Accessing the Third Party Site in question through the use by the User of one or more links to such Third Party Site included and enabled on the Site to Access such Third Party Site or after Leaving the Site.

CLAUSE (11). Applicable Law

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is governed exclusively by the law of the Argentine Republic.

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