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InsuranceProperty, Life and ART Insurance, including exclusive for Armed Forces and Security, through PAS, Broker and Institute Agent.
  • Property Insurance: Automotive, Motorcycle, Home, Combined Family, Civil Liability, Comprehensive Commerce, Consortium, Surety, Technical, Agro, Theft, Various Risks (Technology, Bicycles, etc.), Health, ART.
  • Life insurances: Collective Life, Burial, Personal Accidents (AP).
  • Combined: AP + Purse, Life + Funeral, MA + Tourism, etc.
  • Exclusive Armed Forces: Vest and Weapon
  • Online Quote and Cost Improvement
Galen Insurance
Insurance Evolution

EducationAcademy of job exit, defense and global security courses, with discounts and exclusive courses at universities and institutes.
  • ACAFOR: Job Exit Courses
  • A-GLOSS Academy: Defense and Global Security Courses
  • UAI University: Exclusive Courses for AMUPEF; Internships
  • UM University: Internships and Collaborative Work
  • Content Library
  • Discounts on races and courses: UAI University, Kennedy University, IEA Institute, Escencial Consultores
HealthPrepaid medicine plans, medical supplements for social works and telemedicine.
  • Prepaid Medicine: Provide Health, Sancor Health and Galen Health.
  • Medical Complement: Provide BAIRES through AMUPEF.
  • Telemedicine: Calling the Doctor
  • Discounts in Dentistry and Ophthalmology: MyN Dentistry, DentalSi and VisionSi
Provide Health
Calling the Doctor
AMUPEF Dentistry
AffiliationsAccess to memberships and exclusive plans.
  • AMUPEF - Standard and Premium Plan for active members, Family Plan for participants and Business Plan for organizations and societies.
AMUPEF - Presentation Folder
AMUPEF - Service Catalog
BenefitsClub of discounts and promotions throughout the country.
  • CLUBSTAR - Direct for contacts, clients, partners, etc.
  • OWN Benefits Club - Personalized with logo and identity of the company or organization.
Benefits Club
ConsultancyConsulting, legal and general services for individuals and companies.
  • Bidding Center: Advice for registering as a State Supplier and executing tenders at the national level.
  • General Consulting: General advice for individuals and companies on accounting, legal and strategic issues.
  • Digital Management: Carrying out digital procedures for companies and individuals.
  • Digital image: Brand development, logo, colors, general image for companies, website development, personalized tools and social networks.
  • Legal services: Plans for individuals and executives for companies, mutuals and organizations.
  • Executive Immigration Services: Advice and preparation of files for executive VISA from the United States, with the possibility of residence and work development.
  • Systems: Business management and virtual stores.
Executive Immigration Service
Odoo System + Odoo Apps
Finance and InvestmentsVirtual wallet and investment advice.
  • Collection Management: Payment processing through salary receipt.
  • Collection systems: Payment processors and wallet development.
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Stabono Wallet
  • Investments
LoansLoan management for Armed and Security Forces.
  • Loan Management SMSV for Federal Forces.
SupplySale of products from various areas, specialized for Armed and Security Forces.
  • CEO DINES - Supplier for Armed and Security Forces
  • LEALFORCE - Supplier for Armed and Security Forces
  • AMUPEF Store - General store for members.
TourismSale of national and international packages for members.
  • Land travel National and international.
  • air travel National and international.
AMUPEF Tourism
SecurityPrivate security and global cybersecurity services.
  • National and International Private Security
  • Cybersecurity

We are the nexus to what you need!

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Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Florida, United States.
Madrid Spain.

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