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AMUPEF Store is an e-commerce platform created by Dinexos for companies and associations to upload and sell their products. This marketplace expands the reach of products to a diverse audience and provides a new sales channel.

Services offered

AMUPEF Store offers an online space where companies can list their products and access a diversified market. The platform facilitates inventory loading and management, allowing real-time updates and providing ongoing technical support. In addition, we implement marketing and promotion strategies to highlight products, increasing sales opportunities.

Registration and Configuration Process

The process is simple:

  1. Record: Complete the registration form to create your seller account.
  2. Product Loading: Use our tools to upload your products, set up shipping options and return policies.
  3. Management and Monitoring: Manage your inventory, update prices and monitor sales in real time.
Benefits of Choosing AMUPEF Store
hands formed together with red heart paint

Access a broad base of potential customers, enjoy easy product management thanks to our intuitive tools, and receive ongoing technical and marketing support.

Contact us for more information!

    We are the nexus to what you need!

    Where we are?

    Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Florida, United States.
    Madrid Spain.

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