Gustavo Dines, president of the Mutual Association (AMUPEF), announced that it will be established in our province between March and April. Its main focus will be education, offering training courses and job-oriented guidance in all fields.

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The year is ending with good news—there will be a new job opportunity. In 2020, the Mutual Association of Armed Forces and Security Personnel (AMUPEF) will open its first Patagonian branch. Its president, Gustavo Dines, visited Río Gallegos and shared details about what will happen starting in March and April. In addition to touring the facilities of Grupo La Opinión Austral, he spoke on Radio LU12 AM680, in the program “En el Tintero” saying, “In 60 to 90 days, we will be landing. This way, we will establish the first Delegation in Santa Cruz.”

During his visit to our city, he was received by Mayor Pablo Grasso. For Dines, the main focus of the Association is “education. These are training courses and job-oriented guidance in all fields, both for all forces and for all unions. They will be able to register through the municipality at the delegation we will inaugurate.”

“We also offer other services: legal, technical, and accounting advice, and above all, one that provides benefits in products and services on behalf of third parties.”
— Gustavo Dines, President of AMUPEF

The job opportunities are generating enthusiasm, along with high expectations for its arrival. “All of this extends to the rest of society. We will make a call for the products and services we offer in this province to be provided by local professionals and businesses, giving priority to local suppliers.”

The Association has delegations in other parts of the country, while its headquarters is in Buenos Aires. “For a long time, people have been asking us to bring this service to Río Gallegos, so this was the chosen moment,” Dines explained.

More than 20 years of experience

Since 1998, AMUPEF has been making annual visits to various cities across the country. “We have ensured that citizens can wear uniforms, for example, with quality and pricing approved by national entities,” added Dines.

To conclude, he stated, “The idea is to empower all local professionals so that we can bring training and courses that are not currently available in Santa Cruz. That’s why we will prioritize local employment.”